Seventh Annual Meeting
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Friday and Saturday, April 3-4, 2009
The downloaded registration form is an editable pdf file, which you can fill out on your computer, print, and then send to the MTSMA treasurer with payment.
Name(s) 1________________________________ 2___________________________________
Institution(s) 1_____________________________ 2___________________________________
Email Address(es) 1_________________________ 2_________________________________
Mailing Address(es)
Banquet, Friday, April 3, 6:00 p.m. ($25.00 per person)
Meese Conference Room, Mason Hall
How many? _____ Total: $ ______ |
Virginia Opera: The Barber of Seville, Friday, April 3, 8:00 p.m. ($61.20 per ticket) Center for the Arts Concert Hall, George Mason University
How many? _____ Total: $ ______ |
Buffet Lunch, Saturday, April 4, 12:15 pm ($10.00 per person) Meese Conference Room, Mason Hall
How many? _____ Total: $ ______ |
Registration (There are no dues. Automatic membership by attendance or by request. ):
$50 (before March 27: $55 after March 27 & at the door)** |
How many? ______ Total: $ ______ |
$15: Retired, Student & Those Not Presently Employed |
How many? ______ Total: $ ______ |
Grand Total: $_______ |
** Those who register by March 27 will be included on the list of pre-registrants to be distributed at our meeting. We appreciate your registering as soon as you can so we can plan the refreshments, dinner, luncheon and programs for you.
Please mail this form along with your check made out to MTSMA to:
Professor James Hiatt, MTSMA Treasurer
School of Music, MSC 7301
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
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