CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Friday, March 23 12:00 - 1:00: Registration and Refreshments Session 1: Time, Text, and Narrative (John PaulHall, Music Building (Ward Hall))
Session Chair: Cynthia Folio (Temple University) 1:00 - Multiply-Directed Moments in Brahms’s Schönwar, das ich dir weihte. . . (Op. 95, no. 7)
Winner of the DorothyPayne Award for Best Student PaperMelissa Hoag (Indiana University) 1:30 - Found in Translation? Discovering the Middlegroundof Music and Speech
Bret Aarden (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
2:00 - Narrative and Inter-Self: Form and Expressive Meaningin Takemitsu’s Rain Tree
Tomoko Deguchi (Winthrop University) 2:30 - Range, Tessitura, and Text-Setting in Byrd’s VocalPolyphony
Jason A. Gersh (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
3:00 - 3:30: Break and Refreshments Session 2: 20th-Century Music (John Paul Hall,Music Building (Ward Hall)) Session Chair: Steven Harper (Georgia State University) 3:30 - Hierarchy, Prolongation, and Harmonic Structurein "Majesty of Christ Praying That His Father Should Glorify Him" fromMessiaen’s L’Ascension
Martin Lee (University at Buffalo)
4:00 - Ligeti’s Pièce électronique no.3 and its Relation to Stockhausen’s Serial Practice Benjamin Levy (University of Maryland)
4:30 - Repetition, Memory, and Stuplimity in For SamuelBeckett by Morton Feldman Philip Duker (University of Michigan)
5:00 - 5:30: Reception (Pryzbyla Center, Rooms321-323) 5:30 - 7:00: Dinner and Award Presentation (PryzbylaCenter, Rooms 321-323)
Saturday, March 24 7:00 - 8:30: Executive Board Meeting 8:30 - 9:00: Continental Breakfast Session 3: Tonality in Theory and Analysis (JohnPaul Hall, Music Building (Ward Hall)) Session Chair: Adam Ricci (University of North CarolinaGreensboro) 9:00 - On Function
Jill Brasky (American University)
9:30 - Understanding Hybridity: Comparing Geometric Modelsof Tonal Hierarchy Richard Randall (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
10:00 - One Step Beyond: Beethoven’s Whole-ToneTranspositions Eric Wen (The Curtis Institute of Music)
10:30 - 11:00: Break and Refreshments Session 4: Modernism (John Paul Hall, Music Building(Ward Hall)) Session Chair: Carl Wiens (Nazareth College) 11:00 - Bach’s Tetrachords and Stravinsky’s Blocks: TheSketches for the "Grand Chorale"
Don Traut (University of Arizona)
11:30 - All in the Family: Contour, MusicalDomains, and Motive ‘Families’ as Continuity in Webern’s Unfinished CelloSonata (1914) Carolyn Mullin (Florida State University)
12:00 - 1:30: Lunch
1:30 - 2:00: Business Meeting
Presentation on GAMUT (Phil Ewell: Universityof Tennessee) Session 5: Rhythm Session Chair: Stephen Hopkins (Penn State University) 2:00 - A Circular Plot for Rhythm Visualization and Analysis Fernando Benadon (American University)
2:30 - Bimetricality and Linear Funk Drumming Joti Rockwell (University of Chicago)
3:00 - Nonlinear Time in Funk as Exemplified in JamesBrown Gabriel Miller (The Ohio State University)
3:30 - Hypermetric Irregularity, Incongruence and Innovationin Songs of Roy Orbison Mark Richardson (East Carolina University)
The members of the 2007 Program Committee are: Michael Klein, chair (Temple University) Yayoi Everett (Emory University) Dora Hanninen (University of Maryland) Eric McKee (Penn State University) Joel Phillips (Westminster Choir College/Rider University) Nancy Rao (Rutgers University)
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