"A Celebration of Ireland" Tim Keyes ConsortFriday, March 17 (8:00 p.m.) Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall, Princeton UniversityCampus For tickets, please call (609) 258-5000. David A. Weadon Memorial Organ Concert Johann Sebastian Bach’s Clavier-Übung III Friday, March 17 (7:30 p.m.) Miller Chapel, Princeton Theological Seminary Campus This concert is free of charge. It is made possible bythe David A. Weadon Memorial Trust. Please call the Chapel Office at 609.497.7890for more information. Dutch organist Pieter van Dijk will perform JohannSebastian Bach’s Clavier-Übung III on the Joe R. Engle organ ofMiller Chapel. These organ chorales represent Bach’s most mature compositionsin the genre. Van Dijk comes as a renowned interpreter of Bach’s organworks. He is organist of the Sint Laurenskerk in Alkmaar, professor oforgan at the Sweeklinck Conservatory of Amsterdam, and artistic directorof Organ Festival Holland.
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