Kandinsky Trio to Perform at Wilkes UniversityThe Wilkes University Concert and Lecture Series is pleasedto announce that the reknowned Kandinsky Trio will perform on campus inthe Dorothy Dickson Darte Center for the Performing Arts on April 1, 2005. Described as "spirited and persuasive" (American Record Guide's "Musicin Concert"), and "virtuosity, with spine-tingling precision" (CincinnatiEnquirer), the Trio draws in new audiences with both its passionate performancesof masterworks and innovative ideas in re-defining chamber music. Founded in 1987, the Kandinsky Trio, Elizabeth Bachelder,piano, Benedict Goodfriend, violin, and Alan Weinstein, cello, has quicklyestablished itself as one of America's foremost chamber ensembles. This award-winning trio took its name from the famous abstractionist artistWassily Kandinsky, who believed that color could become like music in itsinterrelationships of tones and intensities. The ensemble currently is in residence at Roanoke Collegein Virginia. In addition to concerts in the Roanoke area, the KandinskyTrio has appeared in recital, on radio and television broadcasts, and hasreceived an array of honors and awards. One of the Kandinsky's missionsis "to keep alive the performance of some of the greatest music ever writtenin a time when shrinking audiences and invasive popular culture threatenits existence." The April 1 program includes Entre nous, a work composedfor the Kandinsky Trio by Ellsworth Milburn, former Professor of Musicand Chair of the Composition and Theory Department at the Shepherd Schoolof Music at Rice University and currently a resident of Northeastern Pennsylvania. This work was commissioned by the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association,an affiliate of Music Teachers National Association, in 2002 and was premieredby the Kandinsky Trio at the 2002 PMTA Annual Conference at SusquehannaUniversity. Returnto 2005 Meeting page Returnto main MTSMA page |