Second Annual Meeting

Esther Boyer School of Music
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA

April 26-27, 2004


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March 27, 2004
1:30-2:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by PresidentPamela Poulin.

1. The minutes of the 2003 Business Meeting were approvedby unanimous acclamation.

2. President Poulin announced a call for a new institutionalhome for the journal GAMUT. While many thought it ideal that the host bea PhD -granting university with a substantial graduate-student population,members were in general agreement that a masters-granting institution wouldalso be satisfactory. President Poulin said that the host institution wouldprovide some resources for the journal while other resources would comefrom the Society. She also said that a new Editor for the journal willbe necessary. Several institutions were suggested as possible locations:Princeton University, Penn State and the University of Virginia. Poulinsaid she would contact those institutions to determine their interest.Members wondered whether the Editor must also be at the host institution.Poulin said she would check with the leaders of the NY State Society tolearn of their policy in this regard.

3. President Poulin reported that the Executive Boardhad approved Wilkes University in Scranton, PA as the site of next year’smeeting. Ellen Flint of Wilkes University stated that the two best datesare April 1-2 and April 8-9. The Board agreed that either would be fine,since no other societies have planned to host meetings at that time. TheBoard agreed to leave the ultimate decision as to dates to the hostinginstitution. President Poulin will notify the other Music Theory societiesof our dates as soon as they have been finalized.

4. Kip Wile, Chair of the By-Laws Committee, made a report.Last year he and members of the committee collected all the by-laws ofall the societies and compiled them into a single document. A list of most-desirableoptions was garnered and presented to last year’s membership, who agreedto operate under these by-laws until 2004, at which time they might beamended and approved at the 2004 business meeting. A copy of the By-Lawshad been distributed to the membership and posted to the web site so thatmembers could suggest changes, if necessary.

Discussion of the By-Laws was invited and several amendmentswere suggested.

  • Page 1, Article II, paragraph one. The last sentence wasrevised to substitute "may" for "will".
  • Page 2, Article III, item 7. Item 7 was revised to now read:"Establish fiscal policies, which may include the establishment and collectionof membership dues;"
  • Page 4, Article VI, paragraph two. Kentucky and Washington,DC were added to the list of places considered a part of the Society’sregion.
  • Page 5, A last sentence to Article VI was added. "In theevent that dues are not required, membership can be established by contactingthe Treasurer of the Society."
  • Page 6, Article X, sentence one. The word "a" was struck.
A motion to ratify the By-Laws, as amended, was made andseconded. The motion was carried unanimously by acclamation. Kip Wile andmembers of the By-Laws Committee were applauded for their excellent work.

5. Joel Phillips, Program Chair, reported that we received27 proposals of which 17 were accepted. One of our acceptances could notattend due to a conflict with another presentation. Our participants were43% women and 57% men. The proposals came from geographically diverse locations,ranging from Florida to Texas to Michigan to New York, and from as faraway as Armenia.

6. President Poulin thanked several people for their finework in putting together the conference. These people included Joel Phillipsand the Program Committee, Ted Latham, Chair of the Local ArrangementsCommittee, and Paul Matthews, Society Webmaster. All of these individualswere recognized with rounds of applause from the membership.

7. President Poulin issued a call for a new Webmasterfor the Society. Kip Wile volunteered to accept this responsibility. JoelPhillips will ask Rider University if it can provide institutional supportfor the web site.

8. President Poulin lauded Danny Beard for his work asrecipient of the Second Annual Dorothy Payne Award for Best Student Paper,which included a framed certificate and a gift certificate.

9. Kristen Wendland was thanked for Chairing the PublicationsCommittee. An invitation was made for a new Chair. William Bauer and TedLatham agreed to Co-Chair this Committee.

10. Treasurer Steven Strunk presented his report, whichwas current as of March 25--just prior to the conference. At that timethe Society had a balance of $1285.84. Since the beginning of the conference,he estimated that we had received an additional $800 in registration andbanquet payments. He added that we expect to pay out about $200 for theDiamond Club Banquet facility and $400 for additional costs of the banquet.Until the Society’s application for non-profit status receives approvalhe will be responsible for any potential tax liabilities under the law.

11. Thanks were expressed to Pamela Poulin for the outstandingwork she has done as President. This was followed by a round of applausefrom the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Submitted by Joel Phillips, Secretary
March 29, 2004

Addendum to the Minutes of the Business Meeting
March 27, 2004, 3:00 p.m.

President Poulin announced that Carl Wiens of NazarethCollege will be Program Chair for the 2005 Meeting. Persons interestedin serving on the Program Committee or in being a Session Chair shouldcontact President Poulin at

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