1. How did you learn about the MTSMA Conference? I remembered from last year. Internet. 2. Did you receive a personal mailing? Email—yes. Yes. No. No. No. No. 3. Did you read about MTSMA in Newsletters and/orList Serves? If so, which ones? SMT List. Ped. List. No. No. Yes SMT List. SMT. Yes. SMT. SMT. 4. How did you like the MTSMA Website (e.g., pictures,information, layout & design, other)? It kept changing. Good. Frustrating. It took several visits over several weeks to finallybe able to register. Good. Background images are a little loud. Organization is fine. Put shorturl advertisement logo at bottom ofpage ( allows this). Well organized and clear. It was great. I wasn’t able to link to it from SMT page. Wasthere a link? 5. What did you like about the coffee breaks andbreakfast (e.g., food, length of coffee break, opportunity to meet newpeople)? Very well-timed. Great food. Great. Perfect. Nice, though I thought lunch was included [lunchwas included on Friday but not Saturday]. Food was good—very generous! J Coffee breaks would have been too long except that the papers ranlong. Great! Great. Excellent food at the pre-dinnerparty and second day lunch. Fine. 6. What did you like about the Banquet at Temple’s President’sClub? Food & company were great. Very nice place and food. Good talk. A bit pricey for one meal[$20 inclusive]. It was a great opportunity for informal conversation withcolleagues. Food was wonderful. Continue to offer vegetarian alternative! Wasn’t there. Good food and enjoyable company. Fine. 7. What about teaching music theory would you liketo see on next year’s program? Jazz theory—how taught, problems,good results. Also—music theory for practical musicians. Anything. Intersecting with other disciplines. Roundtable discussion on aspectsof curriculum. How efficient is music theory I-IV for undergrads. (Anything). Technology in teaching? 8. In general, what topics or types of topics would beof interest to you in the future? Uses of music theory for singers—Ifit is important for singers!?! It would be good to see more pedagogicaltopics. Links between mathematics and music theory—temperament andtuning system. Music other than that of the common practice period. 9. How would you like to serve the Society(e.g., officer, committee member, paper participant, other ways)? Would be glad to help with Websiteor preparation of materials for the conferences. I don’t live inthe Mid-Atlantic Region. Paper participant. Committee member. Paper participant (?). Session Chair. 10. Might you and your institution be interestedin hosting a future Conference of MTSMA in 2006 or later? If yes,please include your name and email address. We just did..J Yes. No (too far away). 11. Overall, how would you characterize your experienceat the Second Meeting of MTSMA at Temple University? Excellent. I like the friendlinessand informal atmosphere. Also, papers were of high quality (as theywere last year). Very educational. Very stimulating. Thanks! Great. Very Good. Could we be better at keepingtime? Excellent. Excellent hospitality! I felt very welcome. Very good. ©2004 MTSMA; All Rights Reserved Returnto 2004 Meeting page Returnto main MTSMA page |