BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES April 5, 2003 The meeting was called to order at 1:03 p.m. by PamelaPoulin, Chair. The Chair proposed to the membership that initial election of officersand the other Executive Committee members be in accordance with theterms of office delineated in the proposed Provisional Bylaws. The ProvisionalBylaws provide for initial staggered two- and three-year terms of office.Without objection, the membership assented. The Chair commenced the processof the nomination and election of officers and other Executive Committee members. Nominations were opened for the office of President. StephenHopkins nominated Pamela Poulin for President. Cynthia Folioseconded the nomination. There being no other nominations for the office of President,nominations were closed. Pamela Poulin was elected President by unanimousvoice vote. Nominations were opened for the office of Vice President.Cynthia Folio nominated Ted Latham for Vice President. Paul Mathewsseconded the nomination. There being no other nominations for theoffice of Vice President,nominations were closed. Ted Latham was elected VicePresident by unanimous voice vote. Nominations were opened for the office of Secretary. TedLatham nominated Joel Phillips for Secretary. Cynthia Folio seconded thenomination. There being no other nominations for the office of Secretary, nominationswere closed. Joel Phillips was elected Secretary by unanimous voice vote. Nominations were opened for the office of Treasurer. AleckBrinkman nominated Steven Strunk for Treasurer. Anton Vishio seconded thenomination. There being no other nominations for the office of Treasurer, nominationswere closed. Steven Strunk was elected Treasurer by unanimous voicevote. Nominations were opened for the Executive Committee Members-at-Largeand Student Representative. Fred Schock was nominated asa Member-at-Large. The Chair inquired of the nominee whether he acceptedthe nomination, which he did. Fred Schock was elected as a Member-at-Largeby unanimous voice vote. Ellen Flint was nominated as a Member-at-Large.The Chair inquired of the >nominee whether she accepted the nomination, which shedid. Ellen Flint was elected as a Member-at-Large by unanimous voice vote.Michael Berry was nominated as Student Representative. The Chair inquiredof the nominee whether he accepted the nomination, which he did. MichaelBerry was elected Student Representative by unanimous voice vote. MichaelKlein was nominated as a Member-at-Large. The Chair inquired of the nomineewhether he accepted the nomination, which he did. Michael Klein was electedas a Member-at-Large by unanimous voice vote. Bruce Kelley was nominated asa Member-at-Large. The Chair inquired of the nominee whether he acceptedthe nomination, which he did. Bruce Kelley was elected as a Member-at-Largeby unanimous voice vote. The Executive Committee now being complete, nominationswere closed. The Chair presented an oral report of the Program Committee,expressing that the committee was well pleased with this year’s program.The Chair appointed Joel Phillips Chair of the 2004 Program Committee. Thefollowing members volunteered to serve as members of the 2004 Program Committee:Ted Latham, Shellie Gregorich, Charles Frantz, Kenneth Carter, andIngrid Arauco. he Chair announced that the Society’s meeting in 2004would take place at Temple University. The Chair appointed Ted Latham toserve as Local Arrangements Chair. The Chair announced a call for meetingsites for 2005 and beyond. The Chair described the process of putting together theproposed Provisional Bylaws, largely the work of Kip Wile and the Chair, drawingupon the bylaws of several regional theory societies as models. Kip Wilemoved that the Provisional Bylaws be adopted for a one-year period, to serve asthe Bylaws until next year when the Society can consider proposed Bylaws from aBylaws Committee. Mark Janello seconded the motion. After discussion, the motioncarried by a unanimous voice vote. The Chair appointed Kip Wile Chairof the Bylaws Committee. Fred Schock volunteered to serve on the committee. The Chair recognized several members who helped to makethe Society's founding meeting a success: Paul Mathews, Kip Wile, LutzMayer, and the members of the Program Committee: Susan Clermont,Dora Hanninen, Ted Latham, Joel Phillips, Vicki Stroeher, and Sonia Vlacevic. The Chair called upon Kristin Wendland, editor of GAMUT,the Journal of the Georgia Association of Music Theorists. Ms. Wendlandproposed that the Society consider the possibility of taking over publication ofGAMUT. Discussion followed. It was observed, and generally agreed, thatthe publication of a journal requires the resources available to an institution witha strong graduate music theory program. The Chair appointed Kristin WendlandChair of the Publications Committee, with the charge to explore various possibilitiesconcerning the publication of a journal by the Society. Michael Klein,Douglas Boyce, Norman Carey, and Lief Ellis volunteered to serve on the committee. In the absence of a Liason Committee, the Chair statedthat she would serve as liason with the Society for Music Theory.There being no further business before the Society, themeeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, April 9, 2003 Stephen Hopkins Secretary pro tempore Returnto 2003 Meeting page
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